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Library Facilities |
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Lost Items Procedure |
2 |
Borrowing, Renewing & Reservations |
7 |
Research & Resources |
3 |
Searching Library Resources |
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Remote Access |
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Document Delivery Service |
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Inter-Library Loan |
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Intra-Library Loan |
Borrowing, Renewing & Reservations |
Borrowing Request
In order to make a request to borrow library books, kindly access the resources via Taylor's Catalogue or the QR code shown below:

How many books can I borrow at one time?
Patrons can borrow up to 10 books at any time. Please refer to the Borrowing Privileges from the Taylor’s Library Website for the complete borrowing privileges for students and staff.
How do I borrow items from the library?
You will need your Library card to borrow items. Take the items you would like to borrow along with your Library card to the Self-Service loan. Follow the instructions provided next to the machine to check out the items yourself. If you experience any problems, please approach the nearest desk for assistance.
How long can I keep borrowed items from the library?
You may refer to the Borrowing Privileges from the Taylor’s Library Website. You may renew the item(s) ONCE according to your borrowing period if there are no student or staff, which has requested the item(s) in advance.
How do I renew a borrowed item?
Borrowed items or books can be renewed online via My Library Account Login. Your username is your Student / Staff ID, and your password is Computer login password. Once you have logged in, select the items you want to renew by clicking on the box next to each item and then click on the Renew button. If your items have been successfully renewed, you will see the new due date for the item. Kindly renew the item in advance before the due date.
How do I request for or reserve a book?
You can only place ‘Holds’ for items that are on loan and you could be the next in line to borrow the items. Requests for hold must be placed online via the Taylor’s Library website. In the "Items" view, click the "Place Holds" button next to the item you would like to hold and tick the box, select the Pick up location and click on ‘Confirm hold”.
Requested items will be held at the Lending Services Desk for 3 days after the item becomes available. Be sure to check your request status in My Library Account Login. Request status will change from "Pending" to "Available Pick-up" when the item is available. If you do not claim the item within 3 days, the item will be returned to the shelves and can be borrowed by others.
What should I do if I can’t find the book I am looking for?
Please approach the nearest desk for assistance, or fill up a “Trace Request” form. There could be many reasons that you are unable to locate the book. It could be in use within the library, misplaced or identified as lost.
Q7. |
Why am I not able to borrow an item?
There are several reasons why you may not be able to borrow an item. The most common are:
- You owe fines equal to, or in excess of, RM5. To reinstate your borrowing privileges, make a payment towards the amount you owe. Please note that fines and fees for missing books must be paid in full.
- Your account has expired. You may have changed programme, changed your student ID number or may no longer be a registered student / staff at Taylor’s University or Taylor’s College. Please see the Librarian for an explanation of the problem, and what can be done to rectify it.
- It is a non-circulating item. Reference material and some specialised material are not allowed to be circulated outside the Library. You may refer to these items within the Library only.
- You may have reached your borrowing quota.
- Your account has been blocked due to overdue item, lost/damaged item report, lost card or VISA expired. Kindly settle the outstanding before proceeding with the borrowing.
Why am I not able to renew a borrowed item?
You may not be able to renew your items because:
- You have already renewed the item once.
- Another user has placed a Request/Hold for your item.
- Your borrowing privileges have been suspended.
- The item has passed its due date.
I urgently need an item which has been borrowed by another person. How can I get it?
If a book you need has been borrowed by another user, you may place a hold on the item. Refer to question no. 5 on how you can do so.
I received an overdue notice for a book I have already returned. What should I do?
Approach the Lending Services Desk, and ask for a search to be placed on the item. We will notify you of the search results. We may also request that you look for the item to verify that it has been returned. Kindly bring the receipt as a proof of the returning.
Is there a way to see what books I have checked out online and check out for overdue fines ?
Yes. You can view the items checked out and overdue fines by logging in to ‘My Library Account Login’
To log in, use the following information;
For student
Username: student\[Student ID for example 0123456 / 10234A56789]
Password: Computer login password
For staff
Username : taylorsdom\[Staff ID – for example A2539 / 123456]
Password : Computer login password
What are the fines for late returns?
Main and Graduate Collection items : RM 1.00 per day
Reserve Collection and Media Resources items: RM0.50 cents per hour or part thereof.
If you owe fines RM5.00 and above, you will not be able to borrow or request for any more items.
Where can I pay my fine for overdue items?
You can pay your fines online through My Library Account Login and click on Library Pay. Alternatively, you may made the payment at the Lending Services Desk.
Q14. |
Will unpaid fines keep me from graduating?
All Students are expected to clear all their outstanding payments at the end of each semester. For TU students, letter and email will be sent to inform graduand on their library outstanding for settlement prior to convocation. Failing, list of the students with outstanding loan who have unpaid fines or outstanding loan upon their graduation will be referred to Finance Department and Campus Central to hold their parchment.
Where do I return the borrowed items/books?
- Borrowed items/books must be returned via the ‘Book Returns’ (Taylor’s Library) or Manual Book Drop (applicable to Taylor’s Clinical School).
- Multimedia and Reserve Collection items borrowed from Taylor’s Library must be returned at the Lending Services Desk on Level 2.
- Multimedia and Reserve Collection borrowed from Clinical School Library must be returned at Lending & Information Services Desk, Taylor’s Clinical School.
Where can I find materials that my lecturer has placed in Reserve Collection?
You can find it at the Reserve Collection, which is located near the Lending Services Desk on Level 2.
For TCS Library, the Reserve Collection is placed near to the Computer Kiosk.
How long can I keep a Reserve Collection item?
An item from the Reserve Collection may be borrowed for up to 7 days (refer to the label on the spine)
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