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Resources - Online Database

Resources - Online Database

Library databases provide access to resources across a wide spectrum of topics and subject areas. Accessing from the library website will ensure that you have full access to the subscribed databases.

These databases provide access to published information sources. Example: academic journal articles, conference proceedings, government publications, reports, scholarly magazines, newspaper, encyclopedias, journal and other resources.
Note: * Please go to this link for the username and password



Online Databases Descriptions
1. Academic Search Complete
Designed specifically for academic institutions, Academic Source Complete is the world's most valuable and comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database, with more than 7,900 full-text periodicals, of which more than 6,800 are peer-reviewed journals.
2. APA PsycInfo APA PsyInfo is a world-class resource for abstracts and citations of behavioral and social science research which are currently has 4,958,766 records.
3. Art & Architecture Complete
As a leading database for the study of art and architecture, Art & Architecture Complete was designed for use by a diverse audience that includes art scholars, artists, designers, college students and general researchers.
Subject coverage is vast as well.  Art & Architecture Complete covers a wide variety of pertinent subjects, including antiques, art and art history, interior and landscape design and much more.
4. Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals @EBSCOhost Offers a comprehensive listing of journal articles on architecture and design, including bibliographic descriptions on subjects such as the history and practice of architecture, landscape architecture, city planning, historic preservation, and interior design and decoration.
5. BMJ Best Practice BMJ Learning provide quick and accurate latest evidence based information. The step by step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention is updated daily using robust evidence based methodology and expert opinion.
User Guidelines: How-to video & User Guide
6. BMJ Learning BMJ Learning provide hundreds of 5 star clinical and non-clinical peer-reviewed modules, written by experts using the latest available evidence. 
User are required to register before using BMJ Learning. Click here to access the guideline.
7. British Pharmacopoeia British Pharmacopoeia is the only comprehensive collection of authoritative official standards for UK pharmaceutical substances and medicinal products. It contains all texts and monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia (signposted with a chaplet of stars), as well as the national standards developed by the BP. Click here for guideline. 
8. Business Source Ultimate @EBSCOhost
Business Source Ultimate works for students like a solid business plan – it offers an unprecedented wealth of peer-reviewed, full-text journals and other resources that provide historical information and current trends in business that spark discussion on future developments and changes in the business world.
In addition to accessing essential full-text journals, business students can delve into case studies, country economic reports and company profiles, as well as interviews with executives and analysts – the key players whose roles they are studying to fill.
A collection of more than 74,000 videos from the Associated Press, the world’s leading news agency, adds a new dimension to student research. Videos relevant to the search terms will appear in a carousel in the result list. With footage from 1930 to the present and updated monthly, the collection covers a wide variety of topics.
Through the Company View feature students receive detailed company information on finances, subsidiaries, products, employees and industry specifics for more than 1.1 million of the world’s largest public and private companies.

The Content in Context feature allows students to investigate a company through contextual access to related information including:
  •     Case studies
  •     Industry profiles
  •     SWOT analyses
  •     Books/Monographs
  •     Articles from business journals, magazines and trade publications
  •     Market research reports 
  •     Product reviews
  •     News articles
  •     Country reports
9. ClinicalKey Student

**NOTE: For the first time login, user require to register by using  official Taylor's University email.
ClinicalKey Student is an interactive education platforms that support and equipping medical and nursing faculty and students with the knowledge required by enhancing the learning experience with tolls tailored to develop and access the medical knowledge of aspiring professionals.

Provide access to hundreds of acclaimed textbooks, powerful study tools and a library of video resources:

Full Medical Education catalogue Over 200 acclaimed textbooks covering 40 medical specialties, including Gray’s Anatomy for Students and Medical Physiology
Videos Over 850 associated videos ranging from practical demonstrations of anatomical dissections to instructional clinical examination examples

Images Over 85,000 images previously only available with each print title purchased, but now fully unlocked and discoverable for visual learning

Quick access summaries Over 1,500 quick access summaries distilling complex medical conditions into easy-to-understand synopses
10. Communication & Mass Media Complete (CMMC)
Communication & Mass Media Complete provides the most robust, quality research solution in areas related to communication and mass media. With numerous  journals in communication, mass media, and other closely-related fields of study ,it is a research and reference resource of unprecedented scope and depth encompassing the breadth of the communication discipline.
Offers cover-to-cover (“core”) indexing and abstracts for more than 570 journals, and selected (“priority”) coverage of nearly 200 more, for a combined coverage of more than 770 titles. Furthermore, this database includes full text for over 450 journals.Many major journals have indexing, abstracts, PDFs and searchable cited references from their first issues to the present (dating as far back as 1915).
Features over 5,400 Author Profiles, providing biographical data and bibliographic information, and covering the most prolific, most cited, and most frequently searched for authors in the database.
11. Comprehensive Toxicology       Platform for high quality peer-reviewed full-text publications in science. Knowledge of the effects of chemical and physical agents on biological systems has led to an increased understanding of normal cellular functions and the consequences of their perturbations. Contents updated and revised to reflect developments in toxicology research. Premier resource for toxicologists in academia, medicine, and corporations.
12. Computers & Applied Sciences Complete @EBSCOhost  EBSCO’s Computers and Applied Sciences Complete (CASC) covers the 1960s to present, with at least some titles indexed as far back as 1956. Indexing and abstracts are provided for over 2,000 academic journals, professional publications, and other reference sources, with full text for more than 1,000 titles. As of this review, about 1,420 of the journals are listed as peer reviewed by EBSCO. According to EBSCO, the subject coverage of CASC focuses on research and development, engineering challenges, and business and social implications of technologies. EBSCO also offers Computer Science Index, which appears to be a subset of CASC focusing on academic journals and scholarly materials.



Online Databases Descriptions

Emerald Insight
*Updated content is currently inaccessible. Full content access is limited to an article published from 1898 until 2006. 

Emerald is a global publisher linking research and manages a portfolio of over 295 journals and over 2,500 books and book series volumes.
The collection features over 80,000 articles from over 200 titles in fields such as Education, Engineering, Library Studies, and Marketing. At the end of 2014 Emerald had 58 journals and 3 Book Series ranked by Thomson Reuters (ISI) and over 100,000 researchers, academics and authors have contributed to Emerald content since 1994.
2. Education Source @EBSCOhost
This massive file offers the world's largest and most complete collection of full-text education journals, and encompasses an international array of English-language periodicals, monographs, yearbooks and more.
As the complete source of education scholarship, Education Source covers all levels of education—from early childhood to higher education—as well as all educational specialties, such as multilingual education, health education and testing.
3. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience   
Leading platform for high quality peer-reviewed full-text. Understand pathological conditions such as addictions, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and autism. The encyclopedia should be of interest to an audience involved in many areas of human and animal behavioral and cognitive neuroscience, including neurologists, pharmacologists, toxicologists, physiologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, geneticists, nutritionists and ingestive behavior scientists, sensory scientists and social researchers. Includes many entries on the advances in our knowledge of the neurobiological basis of complex behavioral, psychiatric, and neurological disorders.
Covers important research in all areas of behavioral neuroscience. Topics range from neuroethology and learning and memory, to behavioral disorders and psychiatric diseases.
4. Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition (Second Edition)             
This is an authoritative, valuable and comprehensive encyclopedia, which outlines all aspects of nutrition. It contains the basic aspects of nutrient metabolism, psychological aspects of nutrients and energy requirements in different population groups, measurement of dietary intake, associations between diet, lifestyle and disease, clinical application of nutrition, issues in food processing, food choice and eating behaviour, nutritional guidelines and public health policies, food labelling.
Articles on carotenoids, food fortification, fructose, legumes, tea, tuberculosis and vegetarian diets are US government works in the public domain and are not subject to copyright. Volume 1 covers topics from acids to dietary fibre, volume 2 deals with dietary guidelines to hypoglycaemia, volume 3 looks at topics from the immune system to a comprehensive section on pregnancy and volume 4 continues with the topic of pregnancy, right the way through to zinc
Researchers, students and professionals, from both the academic and corporate environment including nutritionists, clinical nutritionists, dieticians and allied health workers, as well as university/medical school and public libraries and managers and lawyers within the food industry, will find this a valuable reference.
5. Encyclopedia of Neuroscience  
Comprehensive: includes more than 10,000 entries with keynotes, in-depth essays and reviews on 43 topic fields. Explores all areas of the discipline in its focused entries on a wide variety of topics in neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry and other related areas of neuroscience.
Detailed introductory chapters to each of the 43 topic fields ranging from the fundamentals of neuroscience to fascinating developments in the new, inter-disciplinary fields of Computational Neuroscience and Neurophilosophy.
6. Encyclopedia of Virology
(Third Edition)                                 
Includes information about all known species of viruses infecting bacteria, fungi, invertebrates, plants and vertebrates, as well as descriptions of related topics in virology such as antiviral drug development, cell- and antibody-mediated immunity, vaccine development, electron microscopy and molecular methods for virus characterization and identification.
Covers biological, molecular, and medical topics concerning viruses in animals, plants, bacteria, and insects. It also covers the effects of viruses on the immune system, the role of viruses in disease, oncology, gene therapy, and evolution. Economic importance of virus diseases of cereals, legumes, vegetable crops, fruit trees and ornamentals, and new approaches to control these diseases. General issues such as the origin, evolution and phylogeny of viruses are also discussed in the history of virology.
7. Entrepreneurial Studies Source @EBSCOhost
Entrepreneurial Studies Source is a rich collection of full-text resources for entrepreneurship and small business research. Many journals are peer-reviewed and are available with no embargo. The database also includes videos with transcripts and related articles from the Harvard Faculty Seminar Series and Vator.TV, one of the world’s largest social network sites for high-tech entrepreneurs.
Students can use Entrepreneurial Studies Source for their entrepreneurial assignments or case studies ranging from solo projects to major entrepreneurial undertakings. Because many of the full-text journals are unique to the database, it makes an excellent complement to Business Source Ultimate.
8. Euromonitor Passport
This online market research tool monitors industry trends and gives you strategic analysis and a market size and market share database for all your products across all key countries. Passport is Euromonitor International's global market analysis software platform, which analyses the industry in countries around the world.
Among Passports subscriptions include unique data sets developed specifically for the industry, complete coverage of all relevant channels and products and long historic and forecast data series, comparable across countries. Passport also provides reports by our local analysts on  the characteristics of each country and presentations explaining regional trend comparisons.
Travel System Changes - New Categories (“In-Destination Spending” and “Booking”) & Refined Internet Transaction and Offline Value Stats.
Price Tracker - Enable to monitor price movements and product assortment strategies across categories and brands.
Click here to view the guideline for setting up a personal account.
9. Food Science Source @EBSCOhost
This extensive full-text database is designed to support the informational needs of the food industry at all levels. It offers cover-to-cover content for thousands of publications all directly dealing with food industry-related issues.
More than 1,000 key food industry and market reports are included, as well as tens of thousands of additional food industry articles, benchmarks and best practices, selected from thousands of trade and industry publications.  Designed for food industry experts and information professionals of all types, Food Science Source offers the foremost full-text collection of food industry-related content available today.


Online Databases Descriptions
1. HeinOnline HeinOnline is a premier online database containing more than 191 million pages and 298,000 titles of historical and government documents in a fully searchable, image-based format. HeinOnline bridges an important research gap by providing comprehensive coverage from inception of more than 2,900 law-related periodicals. In addition to its vast collection of academic journals, HeinOnline contains the entire Congressional Record, Federal Register, and Code of Federal Regulations, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, and entire databases dedicated to treaties, constitutions, case law, world trials, classic treatises, international trade, foreign relations, U.S. Presidents, and much more.
2. Hospitality & Tourism Complete @EBSCOhost Hospitality & Tourism Complete™ covers scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism. This collection contains more than 828,000 records, with coverage dating as far back as 1965. There is full text for more than 490 publications, including periodicals, company & country reports, and books. Full-text periodicals include Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, Current Issues in Tourism, Hotel & Motel Management, International Journal of Tourism Research, Journal of Leisure Research, Journal of Sport Tourism, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Leisure Sciences, Nation's Restaurant News, Restaurant Business, Tourism & Hospitality Research, and many more.Sources are both domestic and international in range and scope, with material collected from countries and regions such as Canada, Australia, Europe and Asia.
3. International Encyclopedia of Education                             Audience:
Of interest to Educators and researchers in education of all backgrounds. Readers will include undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers, teachers and lecturers, and professionals. The wide coverage will make it an invaluable source of information for scholars and students inside and outside the discipline.
4. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography                
The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography provides an authoritative and comprehensive source of information on the discipline of human geography and its constituent, and related, subject areas. The encyclopedia includes over 1,000 detailed entries on philosophy and theory, key concepts, methods and practices, biographies of notable geographers, and geographical thought and praxis in different parts of the world.
This groundbreaking project covers every field of human geography and the discipline's relationships to other disciplines, and is global in scope, involving an international set of contributors. Given its broad, inclusive scope and unique online accessibility, it is anticipated that the International Encyclopedia of Human Geography will become the major reference work for the discipline over the coming decades. The Encyclopedia will be available in both limited edition print and online via ScienceDirect - featuring extensive browsing, searching, and internal cross-referencing between articles in the work, plus dynamic linking to journal articles and abstract databases, making navigation flexible and easy..


Online Databases Descriptions
Used by millions for research, teaching, and learning. With more than a thousand academic journals and over 1 million images, letters, and other primary sources, JSTOR is one of the world's most trusted sources for academic content.


Lexis Nexis

Lexis Advance (for staff)

Lexis Advance (for students)

Lexis Advance (ezproxy)

Lexis Advance is the prevailing online research platform with a more  powerful search engine, that allows you to access trusted legal information quickly and easily. Refreshingly intuitive and flexible, Lexis Advance is designed with your efficiency in mind. It will give you a simpler, more efficient yet insightful research experience. This is on top of comprehensive coverage of authoritative case reports, legislations, legal journals and commentaries from key jurisdictions. 

3. UpToDate® Lexidrug™
*Formerly known as LexiComp
UpToDate® Lexidrug™ offer drug referential content solutions that embrace those differences and empower you to make the best possible evidence-based decision for each specific patient. UpToDate® Lexidrug™ Mobile Apps offer convenient access to medication information on your smartphone or mobile handheld device. Referential content is also available as datasets and can be integrated into your EHR and other clinical applications.
Click HERE to access UpToDate® Lexidrug™ Mobile App (Subscription Authentication Code: GFQUHKKDWBTR)



Online Databases Descriptions
1. Malaysia Kini
Launched on November 20th, 1999, Malaysiakini.com offers daily news and views in English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil, delivering over 37 million page views and 750,000 video downloads per month to over 1.6 million absolute unique visitors (Google Analytics, August 2008).
As of July 2008, Malaysiakini became the most read news website and the most popular Malaysian website. Malaysiakini’s editorial position is built on fast, accurate and independent news, and well informed and diverse views.
Malaysiakini’s Letters section has generated active participation from readers of all races and religions and of various ideological backgrounds, creating an open and well-informed arena of public debate unseen in Malaysia since the 1960s. Discussion on taboo subjects such as migrant workers, AIDS, Islam and racial quota systems has generated a new understanding on these issues.

Click HERE for guideline on how to access Full-Text content.
2. MedicinesComplete Discover the latest and most relevant medicines information from world renowned resources, curated by leading scientists, experts and researchers. Provides nrivalled collection of publications spans evidence-based clinical knowledge, research and regulatory information. The extensive breadth of content on MedicinesComplete supports your decision making, from research to the point of care and provides you with the world’s most trusted resources.
3. Mintel A world’s leading market intelligence agency, analysis of consumers, markets, new products and competitive landscapes provides a unique perspective on global and local economies. Since 1972, the predictive analytics and expert recommendations have enabled clients to make better business decisions faster. 
Mintel Food & Drink
Combines all Mintel sources to provide category-specific monthly insights, trend articles and annual reviews written by global category experts.
Mintel GNPD
Global New Products Database tracks consumer packaged goods launches in 86 markets across. See on-pack information for 40,000+ products per month.
4. Oxford Academic Journals

 *Updated content is currently inaccessible. Full content access is limited to an article published from 2010 until 2016. 
Publishes well over 230 academic and research journals covering a broad range of subject areas, two-thirds of which are published in collaboration with learned societies and other international organizations. Provides full-text online access to electronic journals published by the Oxford University Press.
The collection includes over 180 titles covering Life Sciences, Mathematics & Physical Sciences, Medicine, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law, including some of the most authoritative journals in their fields. Oxford Journals publishes and develops titles in partnership with the world's most prestigious learned societies.
5. Ovid Clinical Edge Plus
Ovid helps researchers, librarians, clinicians, and other healthcare professionals find important medical information so that they can make critical decisions to improve patient care, enhance ongoing research, and fuel new discoveries. 
Click here for training materials and tutorials.


Online Databases Descriptions

ProQuest One Education 

(Formerly known as ProQuest Education Collection) 

ProQuest One Education is the only multi-format full-text education solution which indexes all included content with the ERIC thesaurus, the recognized authority for searching Education literature. This provides ease and consistency for researchers of all levels, helping instructors and librarians train students in an essential tool.

*over 1,200 journals titles

*5,500 videos of teaching demonstrations, lecturers, documentaries, and footage of students and teachers in actual classrooms

*110,000 dissertations and theses helps users make new discoveries

*160,000 research reports

*The content from ERIC, the world's most widely used index to emotional-related literature

*Over 200,000 specially selected education-related articles from a variety of well-known newspapers

*Over 12,500 books from major publishers such as Bloomsbury, Routledge, and SUNY Press


Online Databases Descriptions

SAGE Premier
upgrade from Communication Studies: A SAGE Full-Text Collection

*Updated content is currently inaccessible. Full content access is limited to an article published from 2013 until 2015. 

This database includes the full text of 19 peer-reviewed journals published by SAGE and participating societies, encompassing over 12,800 articles and up to 53 years of backfiles.
Click here to view the list of SAGE Premier backfiles title.
2. SAGE Research Methods Suite
SAGE Research Methods is a research methods tool created to help researchers, faculty, and students with their research projects. SAGE Research Methods links over 175,000 pages of SAGE’s renowned book, journal, and reference content with truly advanced search and discovery tools.
Researchers can explore methods concepts to help them design research projects, understand particular methods or identify a new method, conduct their research, and write up their findings. Since SAGE Research Methods focuses on methodology rather than disciplines, it can be used across the social sciences, health sciences, and more.
3. ScienceDirect Freedom Collection
ScienceDirect Freedom Collection is a leading full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 peer-reviewed journals and more than 11,000 books.
The subscription allows users access to current year + 4 back years (2009-2013). Any backfile articles prior to 2009 are not included in the subscription.
4. Scopus
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.

Guideline to access and use Scopus --> Scopus Support Center
5. Springer Protocols

*Updated content is currently inaccessible. Full content access is limited to an article published from 1980 until 2020. 
Access to 2,607 protocols and open-access content.

Click here to view the list of protocols.

6. Taylor & Francis Online (Criminology & Law) Taylor & Francis Online provides access to millions of quality, peer-reviewed journal articles published under the Taylor & Francis. Access to the link will direct the user to the list of Criminology & Law titles.
List of available titles.


Online Databases Descriptions

Westlaw Asia (For Staff)

Westlaw Asia (For Student)

(Formerly known as Westlaw Malaysia)

Westlaw Asia which formerly known as Westlaw Malaysia includes cases, legislations, commentaries, journals and current awareness updates for Malaysia, Singapore, UK and India and also covering a particular Practice Area (Personal Injury).


Online Databasess Descriptions
1. N/A N/A

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