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Learning & Research Support - Information Literacy Classes

Learning & Research Support - Information Literacy Classes

Information Literacy is a class conducted by the School’s Liaison Librarian in order to upskill the students, especially those from year 1, on how to search for and effectively use the information and resources available.

These classes are conducted upon request, which means the respective lecturer needs to propose the selected time and date for this session to be conducted. Lecturers must contact the librarian 2-3 weeks ahead to make the necessary arrangements. The School’s Liaison Librarians can be reached at Contact Liaison Librarians

Classes offered
The library offers some options of classes that lecturers can choose from:

No. Type of Classes Duration
Coverage of Class Description of Class


Route to Resources


  • Basic and Advanced Searching skill.
  • Tools for searching library Resources (Taylor's Catalogue and MulT-Search).

Students will be exposed to the basic and advanced level in searching resources such as books, e-books, DVDs, CDs and other resources available in the library collection.


Down with Databases


3-5 Subscribed Databases.

Students will be exposed to specific online database that are related to the subject that they are learning. 
Students will also be introduced to use searching strategies techniques that will be useful to their subject of searching.


Research 101


Prerequisite: Route to Resources.

  • Introduction to 5 Basic Research skills
  • Keyword Building Skills
  • Searching Skills
  • Evaluating Resources (Subscribed and Online)
  • Plagiarism, Citing and Referencing

Students will be exposed to the resources available in the library and  perform database searching to assist them in finding articles for their assignments/research. The students will also be exposed to the strategies in conducting information searching, the criteria in evaluating resources as well as plagiarism.


Evaluating Resources


Criteria on evaluating websites.

Students will be able to find suitable resources from multiple sources (open access resource, databases, hybrid resources, etc).


Cite it Right!


Plagiarism, Citation and referencing.

Students will be introduced to the plagiarism and referencing style that is accurate and suitable to be used for assignments/research.

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